List of changes in version 6.0


This article provides a list of the issues fixed and new functionality added in Dundas BI.


Fixed issues

82907 Fixed an issue that could prevent string measures (OLAP) from being exported to Microsoft Excel.
84608 Fixed an issue with sorting a ragged hierarchy displaying leaf members while using top/bottom filtering.
84779 Fix for a scenario involving pooling and the MySQL data connector.


Fixed issues

84583 Fix for an issue where you cannot specify scope in OpenID connect protocol.
84589 Fix for an issue where an invalid Excel file is generated when there are no measures.
84617 Fix for an issue where making a REST call without specifying a user agent was failing.


Fixed issues

83769 Fix for an issue that was introduced by a change in Google Chrome 80 and Chromium-based browsers that prevented cookies in cross-site requests from being sent when using federated authentication or running an embedded instance of Dundas BI.


Fixed issues

78845 Fixed an issue that could prevent the End Date settings for scheduled reports from saving properly.
82934 Fixed an error that could occur when using a top/bottom filter on a dynamic measure along with a period over period comparison.
83420 Fixed an issue that could cause the health check to take a longer duration to run when there are a large number of projects or users.

New functionality

83219 Now the sort order of a table visualization is retained after creating a scheduled notification.


Fixed issues

83124 Fixed an error that could occur when a user attempts to log on with a developer seat and an API account.


Fixed issues

81913 Fixed an issue that could cause unexpected search results when running a search on a dependent filter.
82393 Fixed an error that could occur during an upgrade.
82470 Fix for an issue that could cause custom data expressions in data connector overrides to be ignored.
82751 Fix for an error that could occur when using a period over period comparison on a metric set that includes a dynamic measure.
82994 Evaluation agreement updates.


Fixed issues

80551 Fix for an issue that could cause the getLayersByFriendlyName method to return multiple objects in cases where only one was expected.
81284 Fix for an issue that could prevent the user from removing a hierarchy from Rows on the Data Analysis Panel.
81732 Fixed an issue that could cause PostgreSQL warehouse storage to round decimals to whole numbers.
81806 Fixed a cross-site scripting vulnerability.


Fixed issues

81423 Fixed a security vulnerability that could occur when logging on using federated authentication.


Fixed issues

80562 Fixed an issue that could occur when entering contextual measure values while using a security hierarchy dimension as a slicer.
81012 Fix for an issue where null values may not display properly on a dashboard.
81049 Fixed an issue that could cause an API user to get logged off when trying to perform a check in.


Behavior changes

80878 The usage tracking dashboard now excludes tracking activity related to data driven notifications that contain images of the dashboard.

New functionality

79870 Export color rules to Microsoft Excel.

Fixed issues

77159 Fixed an issue that could cause one of the state groups to be deleted when more than one state group is configured.
78490 Fixed an issue that could prevent tooltips from appearing when hovering over axis labels when the chart is scrolled to the right.
80220 Fix for an issue that could cause the GUID to be displayed instead of the Domain and Group when viewing Application Privileges for an account that are inherited from an external or windows Group account.
80547 Fixed an issue that could cause the data preview to ignore view parameters and display different values from the metric set.
80594 Fix for an issue that could cause the Period over Period measure to return incorrect values.
80647 Fixed an issue that could cause cell background formatting to ignore certain columns when setting the Grand Total Row Style.
80955 Fixed an issue that could prevent the Export using recipient account setting from saving when configuring email notifications.


Behavior changes

80234 If logging on using federated authentication when no return URL is specified and there is a default view set up, the application will now navigate to the default view instead of the home screen.
80380 Authenticate using EffectiveAccountName or EffectiveCredentials log on options with tenant administrator credentials.

New functionality

75953 Export and share small multiples.
74402 New markers on the small multiples template to help identify the header, footer and body.
77504 New option to open a view in the same window or embedded container when setting up a navigate or drill down interaction.
78619 Deploy Dundas BI on AWS Elastic beanstalk.
80131 When using a ragged hierarchy, setting up a Level and a Top Level now allows leaf members to be visible, irrespective of their level, when the level is included in the defined range.

Fixed issues

78180 If exporting a table visualization containing a ragged hierarchy and with the default setting to export the table styles, the hierarchy levels now display correctly when exported to Microsoft Excel.
78296 Fix for an issue that could occur when creating a report with data that has a child group linked to a parent group having unknown members.
78362 Fixed an issue that could cause Microsoft Excel to crash when trying to print an exported file with the Freeze the header row option selected.
78496 Fix for an issue that may cause the JDBC Hive driver to run out of memory and display an error message.
78739 Fixed the error message that displays when using a JDBC data provider and using an incorrect SQL query.
78944 Fixed an error that could occur when trying to edit a row header column on a table visualization with the Disable Data Auto Loading option selected.
78985 Now dragging and dropping an element group to a template cell in the Layers window works properly.
79016 Fixed a syntax error that could occur when trying to use a Python generator containing non-ASCII characters.
79115 Fixed an issue that could occur with filters using inherited values not displaying when the data cube uses parameters on a stored procedure.
79170 Fix for an issue that could prevent changing the Font Color property for the Grand Total Column Style in table visualizations.
79197 Fixed an issue that could occur when using ragged hierarchies in scorecards and small multiples.
79646 Fixed an issue that may cause a state style image to display inconsistently on the grand total row in a table visualization.
79710 Fixed an issue that could cause the query audit to report original data connector settings instead of tenant overrides when populating the hierarchy filter picker.
79772 Fix for an issue where data points may not be plotted according to column hierarchy values in a dense chart.
79844 Fixed an error that could occur when warehousing a data cube.
79865 In formula visualizations, the placeholder parameter type can now be selected and saved correctly.
79935 Fixed the error messages that display when failing to connect to a Postgres database from the deployment application.
79992 Now the loading icon displays when needed for an unhidden and filtered table visualization.
80006 Fixed an issue that could cause reduced performance when using a ragged hierarchy in a data cube.
80056 Page breaks are now applied properly when scheduled reports are exported to PDF.
80065 Fixed an error where Federated Authentication account auto-creation fails when using an External Group Account associated with a tenant.
80151 Fixed an issue with the Pivot transform that could prevent opening and editing data cubes.
80180 Value filter text will now fit within the filter text box after adjusting the height and width of the filter.
80189 Fix for an issue that could prevent the view parameters from displaying.
80225 Fixed an issue that could prevent dashboards from loading when the warehoused data cube is checked out.
80286 Fixed issues that could occur when using a transposed table containing state styles.
80340 Fixed an error that could display when using the Top formula with a period over period comparison.
80392 Fixed an issue that could cause the DBI0040 health check to incorrectly report that the scheduler is not running.
80397 Fixed an error that may display when trying to change the horizonal and vertical cell spacing on a dashboard template.
80408 Fix for an error that could occur when a Python Analysis transform is used with data containing negative values.


New Functionality

79678 New INetworkHelperService server API.
79711 New Spawned tasks section in the Application Diagnostics file (downloaded from the About screen) to show data retrieval calls.

Fixed issues

78837 Fix for an issue that could occur in the deployment application when attempting to fix the prerequisites when deploying from a command line.
79331 Fixed an issue that could prevent Full Nulls from displaying properly when a missing data input rule is set up.
79401 Fixed an issue that could occur when building a data cube with a hidden security hierarchy.
79445 Added a new Group Members Lookup API config setting to prevent errors reading Active Directory group membership when the Dundas BI server cannot resolve the Active Directory domain name.
79448 Fixed an issue that could cause hidden security hierarchies to display.
79494 Fix for an issue that could prevent formatted measure values from an OLAP data source from displaying.
79501 Fixed an issue that could occur when a Microsoft Excel export may not display the proper state styles, when a table visualization has states and column hierarchies.
79648 Fixed an error that could occur when using an OLAP data source with dimensions that do not contain an ALL member.
79685 Fix for an issue that could occur when selecting a hierarchy as a custom attribute.
79723 Fixed an error that could occur when zooming in to a bubble chart or scatter plot when both axes are numeric.
79731 Fixed an issue that could cause an incorrect URL for the requests page to be sent to the administrator in the registration request notification email.


Fixed issues

77997 Fix for an issue that could cause the setGroupVisibility() method to work incorrectly.
78334 Fixed an issue that could occur when the Unknown Member Caption setting in a metric set does not get applied to the unknown hierarchy members in a report.
79077 Fix for an issue that could cause bridge parameters to stop working.
79218 Fixed the issue that could sometimes cause gaps to appear in dense line charts incorrectly when combining multiple measures where the Y value goes straight up or down.
79225 Fix for an issue that could occur when a dependent filter does not return all levels in a ragged hierarchy filter.
79252 Fixed an issue that could cause health checks DBI0210 and DBI0217 to fail after restoring an item from the recycle bin.
79272 Fixed an issue that could prevent states from displaying when viewing reports.


Fixed issues

78952 Fixed a DateTime script token issue that could occur when upgrading to Dundas BI version 6.0.1.
79095 Fixed an issue that could cause the DBI2000 health check to time out when run on a large warehouse database.


Behavior changes

41638 New context menu option for using the tab character as a delimiter field in flat file data connectors.
49017 The Default token has been renamed to Data Default.
71508 The managed Oracle data provider driver is now part of Dundas BI installation package and an Oracle provider does not need to be installed separately.
Thousands/millions/billions/trillions formats set in a metric set will work for dynamic measures. For OLAP cubes, this will cause the metric set Format setting to be applied.
76514 When exporting a view using the API and specifying the view URL, include a query string argument that sets dundas.constants.IS_EXPORT_QUERY_STRING_KEY (isExport) to true. A new isExport flag is added to the dundas.context object for dashboards and repeating views when exporting.

New functionality

39343 View and edit all types of actions from the Layers window, in addition to scripts.
43841 Native SAP HANA data provider support.
46548 Auto-detect SQL Select expression types.
49017 A new Reset Filter option to reset the filter to its original setting when it was loaded the first time.
53183 Specify maximum string length for Unpivot and Calculated Element transforms.
54494 New Stretch option for brush properties set to an image.
Improved performance when previewing transform data in data cubes.
61631 Sort date and time columns after exporting a dashboard to Microsoft Excel.
63104 Convert a report to a scorecard or vice versa.
63480 New Hour of day time dimension attribute.
63951 New calendar filter options to limit the selectable levels of time hierarchies.
66000 Hide the From token on a calendar range or date range filter.
66066 Button added providing another way to close a date filter’s date/time picker when Time Granularity is turned on.
66671 Set tooltip delay on components and filters. Hover action delay can be customized with script by changing dundas.view.controls.AdapterConstants.hoverIntentDelay.
67576 Use the Update button to filter scorecards or reports in one data retrieval request for multiple filters.
69322 Wrap legend item text.
69330 Modify appearance settings for default legend items.
70913 Switch search operators from the search box context menu in hierarchy value filters.
71542 Open and edit a data cube when reusing it in another data cube from its transform dialog.
71712 View the items used in a metric set in the Explore tab.
73841 Connect to OData sources that use content type application/xml;charset=utf-8.
73996 The Dundas.BI.Core.dll is now available as a NuGet package.
74740 Usability improvements for dashboard layers.
74825 Create output element filter parameter on Tabular Select transforms.
75016 A more detailed message is shown when a transform fails due to invalid elements.
75288 New RANK function for formulas.
75418 Use white space as the only input for the string manipulation transform.
75455 Usage tracking of views embedded in other views.
75556 Browsing to the logon page now redirects to the home screen if the user is already logged on.
75674 More informative input identifiers when creating placeholders for script transforms.
75815 New search feature in the Recycle Bin.
75854 When a referenced cube is changed, the data cube transform now displays a more useful message by showing which elements are missing.
75894 Bridge parameters can now receive CollectionString, CollectionNumber, and CollectionDate types.
Additional options for fiscal quarter and week ending formatting when configuring time dimensions.
76258 New HTML editor for the email body. This can be configured using the new HTML Editing Of Message Template configuration setting.
76307 Prompt to rebuild a warehoused/in-memory data cube when checked in using the context menu.
76391 Native MemSQL data provider support.
76486 New search field in the Parameters window and Filter Visualizations panel.
76754 New row number tooltip when scrolling down a table using the scrollbar.
76998 The license screen in the deployment application is updated to inform customers about the licensing auto-update feature.
77351 The filtered dropdown list for a filter control now refreshes after changing the search operator.

Fixed issues

39049 Curved line charts now prevent curves from being cut off at the edges of the plotting area.
47309 Selecting All in a Hierarchy Value Range filter now correctly updates to either Open Range Boundary or All.
70519 Selecting a value after having a token selected now considers the token’s resolved value.
76193 Fixed error when submitting the Usage Tracking Dashboard sample data connector.
76325 A Microsoft Excel export now matches the expansion settings of the table visualization.
76739 Fix for data retrieval in script where memberTime and upperBoundaryTime needed to be populated on the time member values.
76753 Fixed the issue where users could resize the row header section in a table visualization when the Allow Column Resizing option was disabled.
76782 Fixed scrolling an outer dashboard/view using the scroll wheel when the mouse is over a table in a view container.
76893 Performance improvement fix for distinct count aggregator.
76907 Fixed an issue where a white background could be seen inconsistently behind a table in scheduled exports.
77096 Fix for the issue that occurred when there was multiple metric sets on the dashboard and one of them did not load, preventing the connected filter from saving.
77108 Fixed an error that could prevent some JDBC data connections from working.
77153 Fixed the error that occurred when attempting to set up a Windows Users as an API Account.
77186 Fixed an error that occurred when a data cube is based on another data cube that has hidden dimensions when using warehouse storage.
77141 Fixed upgrading to Dundas BI 6.0 when using certain characters as a password.
77219 Fixed the issue where the Member Parent Key Source and Member Key Source were re-arranging incorrectly.
77242 Fixed a “No active warehouse” error that could occur when connecting to Snowflake.
77262 Fixed the issue where expanding a hierarchy that was set to Collapse All was not working when a formula was present.
77338 Fixed an issue when using top N settings with multiple hierarchies selected from an OLAP cube.
77367 Fixed the issue where the initial data request was not differentiating the various dynamic elements.
77392 Fixed database errors that could occur when upgrading from version 5 to version 6 when using Postgres to run Dundas BI.
77460 Fixed the warehouse rebuild error “value too long for type character(1)” that could occur after adding hierarchy attributes to the data cube.
77523 Fixed an issue with the test connection button after changing the password of a tenant’s data connector override.
77553 Fixed an issue when exporting some projects containing references to files that had been deleted.
77567 Fixed scrolling past 500 rows in Data Preview when entering or modifying data.
77599 Fixed an issue with scheduled events when using a custom accounts provider with encrypted config settings.
77601 Fix for the issue where a notification recipient had an invalid (i.e. cannot be parsed) email address and none of the subsequent recipients received the notification.
77607 Fixed the issue where empty cells were displayed instead of the No Data message when all data is filtered by slicers with no row/column hierarchies.
77641 Fix for an invalid GUID format error that could occur when trying to edit a data cube.
77699 Fixed the saving of a range override’s large value format settings for measures in data cubes.
77779 Fixed an issue when using Period over Period with OLAP could produce unexpected results.
77781 Fixed an issue opening some metric sets containing formulas with circular references.
77876 Fixed an error occurring when updating a formula using the same measure multiple times to use another measure instead.
77908 Fixed an issue with passing parameters through script from a query string to an embedded dashboard.
77917 Fixed an issue exporting a dashboard with a name containing some non-English characters when using Internet Explorer.
77918 Fixed the attachment file name to be the dashboard name when a customized parameter is set for a recipient.
77934 Fixed a case where empty cells could appear when expanding certain members in a table.
77938 Fixed a KeyNotFoundException that could occur when selecting a hierarchy member at a lower level than the one set for the hierarchy.
78093 Fixed the issue where the Add Recipients button overlaps the list of recipients when adding more than five recipients to an email notification.
78099 Fixed the error that occurred when attempting to open a slideshow from the Home page.
78159 Application information is now removed from the About screen for non-administrator users.
78206 Fixed the issue where row headers and columns of a table were scrolling out of sync for a single indented column (compact) row headers.
78278 Fixed the issue where the MySQL data connector discovery was timing out.
78345 Fixed the issue that occurred when having two data connector overrides set up on one tenant, editing and saving the first one overwrites the second.
78458 Fixed the issue where a manual select with row-level security (filtering by custom attribute on an element) and filter passed on lowest level of hierarchy of the same element (promoted to hierarchy) returns all data.
78521 Fixed a problem that could occur with Single Sign-on when added to the iOS home screen.
78613 Fixed the issue that occurred when assigning a user to multiple groups but the membership to only the last few groups were assigned to the user.
78742 Processing Location for the Google BigQuery data connector updated with more and custom locations.


Fixed issues

76923 Fix for a scenario where scheduled notification parameters are not being passed.
76975 Fix for a scenario where importing a DBIE file is taking too long.
76987 Fix for an issue where missing data rule "average" options do not work as intended.


Fixed issues

76817 Fix for an issue specific to certain Essbase cubes.
76923 Fix for an issue where scheduled notification parameters were not being used.


Fixed issues

76245 Performance improvement when using TOP or BOTTOM with OLAP data and with a slicer present.
76284 Fixed an error that could occur when using a ragged hierarchy as a security hierarchy.
76529 Prevented the loading overlay from sometimes showing when loading maps with the Disable Loading Overlay property checked.


Behavior changes

58585 The Google Analytics data provider from previous versions of Dundas BI is now deprecated and a new Google Analytics provider is available. The old provider will continue to work where used.
66479 Columns can only be customized in a data connector's Define Data Structure dialog, and not added, removed, or renamed. If needed, these are options in data cubes.
67321 The short link service now supports creating a single categorized short link for the specified category-account-file system entry combination. Existing short links with the same combination will be updated instead of creating a new one.
69640 When a chart has a series that is hidden, exporting to Excel will not contain the data unless the Export Tables Without Styles option is selected.
72061 Developers who have implemented a custom accounts provider will need to update their code as follows for the PasswordPolicyMaxAgeDays setting to work properly: handle the new LocalUserAccountData.PasswordNeverExpires and LocalUserAccountData.PasswordLastSetDate properties, and extend the UpdateDynamicAccountProperties() implementation to take the new DynamicAccountProperties.PasswordLastSetDate property into account when getting and/or saving an account.
72735 The slider's Slide actions (Changing event) now consistently occur before the Changed actions.
72773 You will now receive an error message if a data cube warehouse was never built after the last check-in rather than receive data directly from the source.
72859 Calls to get export files now use the REST API. The old method of getting an export file was removed. For more details, see Create an export and download a file.
73366 The TRENDFORE function in formulas can now extrapolate ('forecast') when the first argument is a measure, for example in a scatter plot. The forecast period can be set to zero if unwanted.
When hierarchies are collapsed using Collapse All, they are now expanded one-at-a-time when expanding members.
74594 Expanding and collapsing the following hierarchy is now available on the last level of a multi-level hierarchy in a table, unless the Allow Collapsing Separate Hierarchies property is unchecked.
74991 Column headers in tables will appear if the Show Column Headers property was never unchecked in a case where they previously did not: when displaying only measures with the metric set transposed.
75173 Tenant accounts cannot become system administrators.
75263 Custom functions from Dundas BI extensions will need to be updated and recompiled to change FunctionInputFormat  to FunctionInputType, and FunctionResultFormat  to FunctionResultType.
75580 The REST call to POST /Group/AddMembers/{id}/ has changed to use accountIds instead of accounts, and groupIds instead of groups.
75741 The method for retrieving information about a an uploaded DBIE file has changed in the REST API from POST /Transfer/FileInfo/{id}/ to POST /Transfer/FileInfo/, and in the JavaScript API from GetTransferFileInfoById to GetTransferFileInfo(transferFile, includeAllDetails).
75771 Parameters set to values from a time dimension attribute in earlier versions may no longer be compatible and need to be reset.
76409 The following formula functions will now calculate based on the entire set of rows unless a hierarchy is included as an argument: FIRST, LAST, CMLTOTAL, PERCENTTOTAL, PERCENTRANK, NORMALDIST, CORRELATION.

New functionality

39809 A new small multiples view that repeats visualizations horizontally, vertically or both.
40983 Ragged hierarchies, which have the ability to suppress categories across a level in a hierarchy.
41482 Extra headers are auto-detected and left out from Excel, and additional ranges listed under Programmatic Structures.
41656 Database queries optimized when using the same hierarchy multiple times in a data cube/metric set.
42532 Expand small table visualizations to fit their rows in reports, scorecards, and small multiples.
44280 Layers window enhanced for easier renaming, locking & unlocking, highlighting elements or groups, moving to another layer.
45448 Styles can now be saved and applied to filter controls.
45930 New Recycle Bin in each user's Profile to recover deleted entities.
46323 New Merge transform to combine two columns that may include nulls into one.
47082 A warning is displayed before retrieving an unexpectedly large amount of data.
47960 Preview colors when choosing from the auto-complete popup in the Properties window.
49585 Customize many more aspects of filter control appearance in the Properties window.
51298 Health check to ensure warehouse tables exist for data cubes stored in the warehouse.
52379 Performance is improved when using a user hierarchy with data from a stored procedure.
52438 Added radar (spider) charts PointLine, and Area, with Radar Stacked Area and Radar Range available in series properties.
52631 Attributes can be added to hierarchies for selecting additional data that applies to each hierarchy member.
54189 Ability to use warehouse or in-memory data cube storage on a per-tenant basis when data connector overrides are used.
54893 New advanced editor available for adding formatting to email notification text.
55121 Added Include User Projects to advanced options when importing and exporting users.
56692 The original view options are restored when entering and exiting full screen.
57088 Creating a recursive/self-referencing/parent-child hierarchy is now possible by creating a Ragged hierarchy.
58166 The scheduler service can now be added to an existing Dundas BI instance already deployed.
58353 Option to keep the storage type of the data cube when publishing it from another project.
58585 New and improved Google Analytics provider available for data connectors.
58588 The Pivot transform can now pivot non-numeric values into separate columns.
58977 Ability to see the default values of inherited parameters on a metric set.
59284 Sticky (frozen) option to header templates in scorecards and reports.
61745 Added a Pardot data provider for data connectors.
61964 More query options available as parameters in data cubes when using an OData connector.
62463 Tenant administrators can create custom attributes for their users.
62482 The data cube storage selection is maintained when duplicating a project.
63664 New options on measure placeholders in formulas to refer to previous/next rows or columns, or change aggregators.
64572 Added the ability to choose specific files within a project to publish at once.
64762 Select transform settings are maintained when 're-wiring' by dropping a different data source on it.
64913 Added a dbi.config setting for changing the path used for saving temporary application data.
65052 Use Active Directory Password or Active Directory Integrated authentication with SQL Server Azure.
65132 Claims from federated authentication responses can be mapped to custom attributes to refer to.
65263 Added an API for creating custom delivery providers.
65531 Ability to log on as another user using an administrator account with the API.
65777 Ability to use managed service accounts in the Dundas BI deployment application.
66015 Colors and symbol locations update with animated transitions in Map and Diagram visualizations.
66187 Ability to query for available files for another user using the API.
66287 New property to hide a repeater group from a report.
66305 Quick Access Properties popup for customizing fonts and appearance, available to all user types.
66404 Sticky (frozen) property added to headers in responsive dashboards.
66577 Improved usability for formatting measures in metric sets and data cubes.
67125 Layers window indicates which element is selected.
67500 Use the Shared folder under Time Dimensions and Dashboards to access files from the global project.
67510 Rename option now listed next to each script action in the Properties window.
67589 The size of Dundas.BI.Deployment.dll is much smaller.
67616 New option <Add All Elements> when clicking to add elements in the Data Analysis Panel.
67709 Ability to select a time dimension and its attributes multiple times in a metric set.
68150 New DISTANCE function for formulas to calculate aerial distances.
68210 Ability to make a cell group that spans the entire row a header in responsive dashboards.
68365 Administration home page displays a message when an update is available for Dundas BI.
68698 Ability to connect to view parameters defined in the dashboard template currently applied.
68831 Ability to set up multiple scheduler services for high availability of scheduled cube storage, notifications, etc.
68949 Security hierarchies identified with a lock icon in the Explore window.
69475 Grand total column style added to table visualizations.
69534 Custom total formulas can now refer to total values without calling any functions (e.g., for the overall distinct count).
69640 Exporting to Excel excludes chart series that are hidden by default.
69673 Ability to define a custom date and time format with optional time zone for the export file name.
69852 State groups created without associating a measure are applied to table state styles when exporting to Excel.
70101 Dundas BI licenses may now auto-update themselves if available.
70180 Option for Auto Color/Size Rules to apply based on the entire range of values in reports, scorecards, and small multiples.
70191 New health check to clean up tenant overrides created for files that were deleted.
70374 Added the ability to clear personalization for multiple users using the API.
70594 The Dundas BI Deployment application can update itself when a new version is available.
70853 Improved scrolling experience and performance in tables and charts.
71023 Improved performance with OLAP data when sorting by member caption and using top/bottom measure filtering.
71084 New API method to retrieve job run events for multiple jobs.
71124 Added state styles for links in the relationship and tree diagrams.
71144 New health check to detect circular references between entities.
71156 Property added for hiding unknown members in a tree diagram.
71230 New file system service API method to get the checked-out references for multiple files.
71509 Refreshing a transform does not require the user to dismiss the resulting dialog.
71510 Added an API method to allow custom sorting on drop down values for a dynamic filter.
71656 Apply the default value to existing rows when adding a new column to a data input table.
71940 Property to prevent data labels from expanding to fit text in reports, scorecards, and small multiples.
72061 Ability to set password expiry days for a user.
72067 The current active project is now listed in the tooltip for Projects in the main menu.
72156 Added a native data connector to Snowflake.
72166 Delete multiple rows from data input tables at once on touch devices by first tapping to select them.
72229 Filter drop down pickers close automatically when scrolling.
72497 A search bar is now available in the Admin's Projects page.
72670 The dashboard template currently in use is now listed in the Properties window when the dashboard is selected.
72741 Ability to auto-create accounts when using federated authentication with an associated tenant by mapping it from claims.
72772 Improved error messages when an error occurs in the data connector or provider while retrieving data.
72859 Added a method to get export results through the REST API.
72908 Added the ability for users without the interactive logon privilege to be used when deploying.
72909 Ability to use keywords when setting state style text properties in table visualizations.
72920 Initial parameter mappings are created automatically when setting them up for navigation and popup interactions.
73199 Calendar and Calendar Range filters list the selected value when opened after re-opening the view.
73318 Ability to drop a file from the desktop onto a new hierarchy.
73344 More options when filtering to keep only/exclude selected data with multiple hierarchies.
73355 Option to create an account as API-only, which will not consume a license.
73557 Improved cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) behavior when embedding Dundas BI.
73868 Ability to hide measures when viewing a metric set using view overrides in JavaScript.
74053 Data retrieval is optimized when possible with hierarchies collapsed to avoid retrieving data for children.
74151 Added API method to query for the number of notifications.
74327 New API method for getting parameter tokens.
74652 New API methods for clearing selected data in table visualizations.
74850 You can now set thousands/millions/billions/trillions formats in each range override when formatting measures.
75007 New configuration setting SMTP Client Timeout.
75176 Option to Freeze The Header Rows when exporting to Excel.
75303 Added Processing Location setting to Google BigQuery data connectors.
76162 Ability to create custom application configuration settings that accept multiple lines of text.
76389 Ability for administrators to create notifications on behalf of another user with the API.

Fixed issues

42846 Fixed an issue where clearing a property for a table column that displays visualizations does not take effect until data reloads.
63011 Fixed an issue where changing filters before the report finishes loading may not take effect.
68020 Opening popups with the In a browser pop-up setting should now work on every hover over.
70117 Addressed scenarios where selected hierarchy filter values may not be reflected in the database query.
71253 Fixed CYStart and CYEnd to work when formatting the Quarter level in fiscal time dimensions.
71474 Fixed an issue where some errors that prevented a project from being imported were not displayed correctly.
71767 Prevented an error from occurring when using the embed library and passing messages not formatted as JSON.
72512 Fixed renaming calculated elements not immediately taking effect in the data cube result.
72582 Prevented clicking a table's expander button from also triggering interactions.
72657 A hierarchy can now be dropped directly onto Measures in an empty metric set.
72746 Fixed an issue preventing the selected dimensions from displaying correctly in an MDX select transform with long dimension names.
72913 Fixed an issue where data stays brushed after letting go of a chart data point on touch devices.
73027 Fixed an issue where an aggregate transform may stop working after inserting another transform before it.
73034 Fixed the pinch-to-zoom gesture to work with responsive dashboards.
73105 Fixed an issue where the table may not load data when scrolling using JavaScript.
73114 Fixed errors that could occur when using the Python transform.
73145 Fixed syntax errors displayed when using script in a formula with certain spacing.
73211 Fixed saving and applying styles to work with hover over and selected font color properties of data labels.
73434 Fixed an issue where the Collapse All function may not work with formula measures present in the metric set.
73435 Fixed a problem with persisting data stored in a structure's Tag property when implementing a custom data provider.
73481 Fixed an issue where selecting every item in a filter may not work correctly if the All item is hidden.
73500 Removed derived measures from the list of elements when replacing the source cube for a metric set, which must be mapped automatically.
73641 Fixed an error preventing data retrieval when a very large number of parameter values are specified.
73759 Fixed the sort order of custom attributes when listed.
73831 Fixed applying values from filters connected to an update button when calling loadData on a view container instead of using the button.
73834 Prevented data from loading multiple times for filters connected with an update button to a view container and multiple view parameters per visualization.
74085 Fixed an issue preventing a custom unknown member caption from applying to all levels when multiple are displayed at once.
74107 Fixed rows of data appearing in a data result for a formula measure where its values are null and it is set to ignore nulls.
74153 The vUsageTracking view in the application database now returns the tenant ID correctly.
74214 Fixed interactions incorrectly triggered for column headers with one-click sorting enabled.
74339 Prevented another executable from potentially being launched on the server rather than the scheduler service.
74429 Fixed an issue where an embedded dashboard may not be able to be scrolled completely.
74584 Fixed an issue preventing a dashboard-level font setting from taking effect when displayed inside another dashboard.
74675 Fixed issues with passing query string parameters to a report displayed inside a dashboard.
74802 Fixed an issue that could cause an error after a Python transform is configured.
74858 Fixed an error that may occur when processing a data-driven notification.
74975 Prevented projects from being set to inherit privileges from their parent folder.
74976 Prevented result transform settings from being unnecessarily lost when re-connecting or deleting a Union transform in a data cube.
74992 Fixed an issue where additional columns may be hidden when exporting data to Excel from a table visualization with columns set as not visible.
75221 Fixed an issue where the first data bar may not be not visible in a table when displayed inside another dashboard.
75280 Fixed an error occurring on log on with a custom accounts provider that saved a custom attribute with no values.
75431 Fixed an issue where some hierarchy levels may not be displayed in the Set Up Hierarchy Links dialog for a data cube result element.
75440 Fixed using the Dundas BI API in a 32-bit process if the machine has 32 or more cores.
75450 Fixed an error occurring when selecting some tokens for a single DateTime placeholder for a stored procedure in a manual query.
75701 Fixed custom subtotal text displayed for the grand total when the first hierarchy is hidden and the table is displayed as a 'flat' table.
75763 Fixed dates in Excel header rows importing incorrectly.
75862 Prevented hovering over a chart's legend items from changing the selection when Hover To Select Points is disabled.
75867 Fixed extra columns appearing in tables in some cases when changing the level through script.
75871 Fixed color rules incorrectly being applied to chart data points instead of the selected style fill.
75889 Fixed incorrect error message displayed after updating an extension file in the Dundas BI web application.
75942 Fixed setting a view parameter from the query string when another view parameter is connected to the same metric set parameter.
76186 Fixed an error preventing sharing chart axis scales when a table containing data bars is present that is hidden or empty.
76204 Fixed an error preventing some SVG diagrams from Visio from being imported.
76308 Fixed an issue where a custom attribute value that does not exist in an OLAP dimension results in an empty data result.
76410 Prevented tile navigation controls from loading and potentially displaying errors when hidden.

See also

Dundas Data Visualization, Inc.
400-15 Gervais Drive
Toronto, ON, Canada
M3C 1Y8

North America: 1.800.463.1492
International: 1.416.467.5100

Dundas Support Hours:
Phone: 9am-6pm, ET, Mon-Fri
Email: 7am-6pm, ET, Mon-Fri