dundas.account.AccountService Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the AccountService. Called during construction. Inherited from dundas.Component.


  Name Description
eventsManager Inherited from dundas.Service.
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.Component.
site Gets or sets the site that this component is a part of. Inherited from dundas.Component.
uniqueId Gets or sets the unique ID of this component within the site. Inherited from dundas.Component.


  Name Description
addAccountToTenants Adds an account to the specified tenants.
bind Subscribe a handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
changeAccountPassword Allows a System Administrator to change the password for the specified account.
changePassword Changes the password for the local user account associated with the current session.
createAccount Creates an account with the specified options. The ID field should be left empty, as the result will have it set to the new ID.
createDelegate Helper for creating delegate functions. Inherited from dundas.Component.
createTimeout Creates a timeout. Inherited from dundas.Component.
deleteAccountById Deletes the account with the specified ID.
dispatch Dispatches a call by creating a delegate and running it right away on a timer. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dispose Inherited from dundas.Component.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
generateDownloadFile Generates an account export file.
getAccountById Gets the account with the specified ID.
getAccountByName Gets the account with the specified name.
getAccountInfoById Gets the account info with the specified ID.
getAccountInfoByName Gets the account with the specified name.
getAccountInfosByIds Gets limited information about the accounts with the specified IDs.
getAccountsByIds Gets the accounts with the specified IDs.
getDownloadUrl Gets the URL to download an account export file.
getImportAccountsFileUrl Gets the URL that should be used when importing accounts from a file.
getService Gets the requested service. Inherited from dundas.Component.
getUserData Gets the user data for the specified account.
getValidAccountTypes Gets a list of the account types that are currently relevant for the application.
onLoaded Called when the service is loaded. Inherited from dundas.Service.
promoteVirtualAccount Promotes the selected virtual account to a non-virtual account.
queryAccountInfos Gets limited information about the accounts corresponding to query criteria.
queryAccounts Gets the accounts corresponding to query criteria.
queryNumberOfAccounts Gets the number of accounts corresponding to query criteria.
removeAccountFromTenants Removes the account from the specified tenants.
subscribe Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
subscribeOnce Subscribe a one time handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
trigger Triggers an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
unbind Unsubscribe an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
updateAccount Updates the account with the specified options.
updateCustomAttributesForAccount Updates the custom attributes for the specified account.
updateLastLogOnIpAddress Updates the last log on IP address for the account.
validatePassword Validates the password against the current password policy.
writeUserData Writes the user data into the account.


This creates a new AccountService object.

        var accountsService =
            new dundas.account.AccountService();