Best Practices & How-To's

APIs - the Unsung Legends of Dundas BI

Dundas BI is the most extendable BI platform available today - a bold statement. Join us as we tell the story of how the history of Dundas Data Visualization directly leads to this being true.

How to Deploy Dundas BI Using Docker Containers

In this video, our product trainer, Mark, walks you through how to get Dundas BI up and running with Docker.

All About Control Charts

Six Sigma Control Charts are a statistical tool used to determine if a process is in a state of control or not.

The Secrets of Cloud and On-Premise BI You Need to Know

When it comes to Business Intelligence, there are a few methods available today for hosting the software.

Metric Sets 101 A Crash Course in Understanding Metric Sets in Dundas BI

What is a metric set? Metric sets are a core concept in Dundas BI and are often confused with visualizations.

Everything You Need to Know About State Indicators

In this video, our trainer, Mark, shows you everything you need to know about States - what they are and why we use them.

Exploring The Total Cost Of Ownership Of Business Intelligence

If you're looking to take your first step into the world of business intelligence (BI), you're probably interested in knowing what it costs.

Improve Your Data Performance With In-Memory Storage (How You Can Harness Lightning!)

Building an In-Memory Data Cube in Dundas BI can significantly increase your data performance.

How to Use Interactions to Make Your Dashboards...Interactive

Use Dundas BI to create interactive dashboards using several techniques available to you!

How to Aid Data Discovery with Data Flow

Data flow is the ability to visualize existing relationships or add your own relationships between tables in your data. 

A Simple Way to Calculate the ROI of Business Intelligence

How do Business Intelligence activities lead to a Return on Investment (ROI)? Struggling to justify the implementation and software costs of a Business Intelligence solution?

How to Save Time on Design with Themes and Styles

Save time by learning the ins-and-outs of applying pre-built styles (or your own styles you've created) to your dashboards in Dundas BI.

Leverage Outlier Analysis in Dundas BI to Increase Data Accuracy

Outliers can cause serious problems when analyzing data. Leverage interquartile range computations in Dundas BI to help you work with outliers by either hiding or removing them.

Installing Dundas BI on Linux

This video will walk you through the process of setting up and installing Dundas BI on Linux! This is a great resource for helping you understand the architecture and why various options exist.

How to Create a Dashboard that Analyzes Data in Real-Time

Why is real-time data important and what does it mean in the context of Business Intelligence? In this video, we answer those questions and look at how to implement real-time data in Dundas BI.

Use Data Brushing for Greater Insights

Using a feature in Dundas BI called ‘Brushing’, we can quickly highlight related information for analysis. Let's examine how to implement it on your dashboards.

Exploring Scheduled Reports

Use Scheduled Reports to increase the number of people who are using your business intelligence solution and instill a culture of data-driven decision-making.

Adding Writeback Capabilities to your Dashboard

Data input and writeback is something fairly unique to Dundas BI. What really sets Dundas BI apart, is just how easy it is to implement your own custom data input features into a dashboard or report.

Quick Tip: How to Measure Data that is Wildly Different

Dundas BI offers many techniques that can help you better understand your data. Regardless of how wildly different it might be

How to Create Custom Tokens in Dundas BI

Users no longer have to wait until the end of the month (quarter, year, etc.) to crunch numbers and pull reports. This video explores custom tokens in Dundas BI and how users can build their own.

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