IEventHookService Interface

Provides an interface for raising and handling application events.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IEventHookService

The IEventHookService type exposes the following members.

Public eventApplicationEvent
Occurs when any application event is raised.
Public eventBroadcastMessageReceived
Occurs when a broadcast message from another server has been received.
Public eventConfigChanged
Occurs when the value of one or more settings changed in the current configuration.
Public eventCreatedFileSystemEntry
Occurs when a file system entry has been created.
Public eventCreatedProject
Occurs when a project has been created.
Public eventCreatingSession
Occurs when a session is being created.
Public eventDeletingAccount
Occurs when an account is being deleted.
Public eventDeletingGroup
Occurs when a group is being deleted.
Public eventDeletingProject
Occurs when a project is being deleted.
Public eventDeletingTenant
Occurs when a tenant is being deleted.
Public eventDiagnosticsRequest
Occurs when the system requests diagnostic information from all components.
Public eventExportCompleted
Occurs when an export (PDF, Excel, etc.) is finished.
Public eventFederatedAuthenticationSuccessFromIdentityProvider
Occurs when a federated authentication identity provider has validated the caller's identity.
Public eventGlobalCleanup
Occurs when the global cleanup task is executed.
Public eventLicenseChanged
Occurs when a license was installed or removed.
Public eventLocalCleanup
Occurs when the local cleanup task is executed.
Public eventRemovingAccountFromTenants
Occurs when an account is being removed from a tenant.
Public eventSavingTenant
Occurs when a tenant is being saved.
Public eventServerRegistryChanged
Occurs when something in the application's server registry changed.
Public eventSessionKeepAlive
Occurs when a session is being actively used.
Public eventTerminatingSession
Occurs when a session is being terminated.
Public eventTransferImportCompleted
Occurs when transfer import is finished.
See Also