Constants Class

Commonly-used and general-purpose constants used in the Core assembly.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class Constants

The Constants type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAdministratorAccountId
The ID of the built-in administrator account.
Public fieldStatic memberAdministratorsGroupId
The ID of the built-in System Administrators group.
Public fieldStatic memberAppDbSchemaVersionNumber
The schema version of the application database.
Public fieldStatic memberDataDiscoveryEventBroadcastMessageKindId
The ID of the message kind used for broadcast events received from Data Discovery.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultSelectionValue
A string used to indicate that a default value should be used.
Public fieldStatic memberEveryoneGroupId
The ID of the built-in Everyone group.
Public fieldStatic memberExceptionDetailsMessageKey
The key used to store an additional details message in an exception's Data property.
Public fieldStatic memberExceptionDisplayDefaultKey
The key used to store if a particular exception (in a chain of inner exceptions, or within an aggregate exception) should show up by default in the UI, stored in an exception's Data property. If more than one exception is marked, the first one encountered will show up by default. If none are marked, then the top-most will display by default. The value of this data key can be anything that isn't null, preferably .
Public fieldStatic memberExceptionErrorCodeKey
The key used to store the error number in an exception's Data property.
Public fieldStatic memberExceptionHelpTopicReferenceKey
The key used to store an associated help topic reference in an exception's Data property.
Public fieldStatic memberExceptionSupplementalMessageKey
The key used to store the supplemental message in an exception's Data property.
Public fieldStatic memberExceptionVersionNumberKey
The key used to store the DBI version number in an exception's Data property.
Public fieldStatic memberGlobalProjectId
The ID of the global project.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxDescriptionLength
The maximum length of description fields.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxNameLength
The maximum length of an object name.
Public fieldStatic memberSystemServiceAccountId
The ID of the built-in system service account.
Public fieldStatic memberWarehouseDbSchemaVersionNumber
The schema version number of the warehouse database.
See Also