ApplicationInfo Class

Provides information about the Dundas application.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class ApplicationInfo

The ApplicationInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBuildDate
Gets the build date of the application, in UTC time.
Public propertyInstanceId
Gets the ID of the application instance.
Public propertyIsDevelopmentInstance
Gets a value indicating whether the current instance is licensed solely for development purposes.
Public propertyLatestVersion
Gets the latest publicly-available version of Dundas BI.
Public propertyLatestVersionDownloadUri
Gets a download link for the latest publicly-available version of Dundas BI.
Public propertyLicensedTo
Gets the licensee(s) of all valid licenses.
Public propertyLicenseIds
Gets the ID(s) of all valid licenses.
Public propertyLicenseKind
Gets the kind of the licenses used by the application.
Public propertyLicenseLeaseAcquired
Gets the date/time (in UTC) at which the lease for the current license was acquired.
Public propertyLicenseLeaseValidUntil
Gets the date/time (in UTC) at which the lease for the current license expires.
Public propertyLogonNotificationMessage
Gets a message which will be shown to all users every time they log on.
Public propertyMaintainerEmailAddress
Gets the email address of the maintainer of the application.
Public propertyProductName
Gets the product name, used to identify the application.
Public propertyProductVersion
Gets the full version number of the application.
Public propertyProductVersionDisplayText
Gets the friendly display version of the product version.
Public propertyReleaseKind
Gets the release kind of the application.
Public propertyServerFingerprint
Gets a string which uniquely identifies the server on which the application is running.
Public propertyServerFingerprintHash
Gets a hash of the server fingerprint, which is safe to expose to arbitrary users.
Public propertySigningCertificate
Gets the signing certificate for the application.
See Also