IAccountService Interface

Methods for performing operations on accounts.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IAccountService

The IAccountService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsModifySupported
Gets a value indicating whether saving account changes is supported.
Public propertyValidAccountTypes
Gets a list of the account types that are currently relevant for the application.
Public methodAccountInfoQuery
Gets limited information about the accounts corresponding to query criteria.
Public methodCode exampleAccountQuery
Gets the accounts corresponding to query criteria.
Public methodAccountQueryCount
Gets the number of accounts corresponding to filter criteria.
Public methodAddAccountToTenants
Adds an account to the specified tenants.
Public methodChangeLocalUserAccountPassword(Guid, String)
Sets a local user account's password.
Public methodChangeLocalUserAccountPassword(String, String)
Changes the password for the caller's account.
Public methodClearExternalGroupCache
Clears the external group cache for the specified account.
Public methodConvertWindowsAccountToExternalAccount
Converts a Windows user/group account to an external user/group account.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteAccount
Deletes the account with the specified ID.
Public methodGetAccount(Guid)
Gets the account with the specified ID.
Public methodGetAccount(String)
Gets the account with the specified name.
Public methodGetAccountInfo(Guid)
Gets limited information about the account with the specified ID.
Public methodGetAccountInfo(String)
Gets limited information about the account with the specified name.
Public methodGetAccountInfos
Gets limited information about the specified accounts.
Public methodGetAccounts
Retrieves a list of accounts having the specified IDs.
Public methodGetAccountsAsCsv
Gets the accounts information as a CSV file records.
Public methodGetAccountsInTenant
Gets the IDs of all accounts in the specified tenant.
Public methodGetUserData(Guid)
Gets the tenant-agnostic user data for the specified account.
Public methodGetUserData(Guid, NullableGuid)
Gets the tenant-specific user data for the specified account.
Public methodImportAccountsFromFlatFile
Imports the accounts from a flat file.
Public methodIsPasswordComplex
Determines whether the provided password meets the application's password complexity requirements.
Public methodPromoteVirtualAccount
Promotes a virtual Windows or External account to a regular Windows or External account.
Public methodRefreshAccountPropertiesFromActiveDirectory
Refreshes the values of account properties from Active Directory (e.g. email address, display name).
Public methodRemoveAccountFromTenants
Removes an account from the specified tenants.
Public methodCode exampleSaveAccount
Saves the specified account to the underlying storage mechanism.
Public methodUpdateLastLogOnIpAddress
Update the last log on IP address of an account.
Public methodValidateAccountProperties
Checks the validity of an account's properties.
Public methodWriteUserDataValue(Guid, String, String)
Writes a tenant-agnostic user data value for the specified account.
Public methodWriteUserDataValue(Guid, NullableGuid, String, String)
Writes a tenant-specific user data value for the specified account.
Public methodWriteUserDataValues(Guid, IDictionaryString, String)
Updates tenant-agnostic user data values for the specified account.
Public methodWriteUserDataValues(Guid, NullableGuid, IDictionaryString, String)
Updates tenant-specific user data values for the specified account.
See Also