ApplicationPrivilegeIds Class

IDs of core application privileges.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class ApplicationPrivilegeIds

The ApplicationPrivilegeIds type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAllowDefaultViewOverride
The ability for the user's choice of a default view to override the one specified by administrators.
Public fieldStatic memberChangeData
The ability to see the 'change data' options in the UI. These include drill-down, drill-up and change level.
Public fieldStatic memberContextMenu
The ability to see the context menu (right click or long tap).
Public fieldStatic memberCreateMeasureCorrections
The ability for non-administrator users to create non-private measure corrections.
Public fieldStatic memberCreateTokens
The ability for non-administrator users to create tokens.
Public fieldStatic memberDataBindingPanel
The ability to see the 'data binding panel' in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberDataCubeInMemoryStorage
The ability to configure a data cube with in-memory storage.
Public fieldStatic memberDataCubeInput
The ability for non-administrator users to input data for user-created data warehouse tables.
Public fieldStatic memberDataCubeWarehouseStorage
The ability to configure a data cube with warehouse storage.
Public fieldStatic memberDataPreview
The ability to see the 'data preview' panel in the UI, which also includes performance statistics.
Public fieldStatic memberEdit
The ability to see the 'edit' button in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberEditMyOwnCopy
The ability to see the 'edit my own copy' button in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberFullScreen
The ability to see the 'full screen' button in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberMaximize
The ability to see the 'maximize' button in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberMeasureInput
The ability for non-administrator users to enter contextual measure data or make measure corrections for existing metric sets.
Public fieldStatic memberModifyData
The ability to see the 'modify data' button in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberNaturalLanguageInput
The ability to see the 'natural language' input in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberNote
The ability to see and add notes to data.
Public fieldStatic memberNotification
The ability to create and manage one's notifications.
Public fieldStatic memberReportAdvancedDockables
The ability to access more advanced dockable windows when editing reports.
Public fieldStatic memberReportAdvancedToolbar
The ability to access more advanced toolbar options when editing reports.
Public fieldStatic memberReportDataVisualizations
The ability to choose or change visualization types when editing reports.
Public fieldStatic memberReportThemesStyles
The ability to create and apply themes and styles when editing reports.
Public fieldStatic memberResizeDialogs
The ability for the user to resize dialogs horizontally.
Public fieldStatic memberRevisualize
The ability to see the 're-visualize' button in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberSetupInteractions
The ability to see the 'setup interactions' button in the UI. This includes the interaction for drill-down, hover-over, navigate, etc.
Public fieldStatic memberShare
The ability to see the 'share' button in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberSimplePropertyPanel
The ability to see the 'simple property panel' in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberSortingFiltering
The ability to see the sorting and filtering options in the UI. This does not apply to sorting and filtering in the data binding panel for a metric set, only the context menu.
Public fieldStatic memberSpecifyNotificationRecipients
The ability for users to specify notification recipients.
Public fieldStatic memberStoreUserUICustomizations
The ability for the application to automatically save the UI customizations for the user.
Public fieldStatic memberStoreViewPersonalization
The ability for the application to automatically save personalized view settings, such as the last set view parameters.
Public fieldStatic memberToolbar
The ability to see the toolbar in the UI.
Public fieldStatic memberUnsafeTransformAccess
The ability to create and use unsafe Data Cube transforms.
Public fieldStatic memberVisualDataDiscoveryContentDistributors
The ability for non-admin users to be logged into Symphony as Visual Data Discovery Content Distributors.
See Also