Dundas.BI.Data.Parameters Namespace

Public classAnalysisElementValue
Class that encapsulates a single analysis element for a parameter value.
Public classAttachedParameterInfo
Class used to provide information about the attached parameters defined for a BridgeParameter.
Public classBooleanParameter
Class that encapsulates a Boolean parameter used in an ExpressionDescriptor.
Public classBooleanSetting
Represents a Boolean component setting.
Public classBridgeParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter defined as a bridge between a specific typed input and one or more Parameters defined within a DataCube.
Public classCollectionBooleanValue
Class that encapsulates a collection of Boolean values as a parameter value.
Public classCollectionDateTimeParameter
Class that encapsulates a CollectionDateTimeValue parameter used in a ProviderExpression.
Public classCollectionDateTimeValue
Class that encapsulates a collection of DateTime values as a parameter value.
Public classCollectionMemberValue
Class that encapsulates a collection of IHierarchyMemberValue as a parameter value.
Public classCollectionNumberParameter
Class that encapsulates a CollectionNumberValue parameter used in a ProviderExpression.
Public classCollectionNumberValue
Class that encapsulates a collection of decimal values as a parameter value.
Public classCollectionParameterValueT
Base class used to define collection of discrete values as a parameter value.
Public classCollectionStringParameter
Class that encapsulates a CollectionStringValue parameter used in a ProviderExpression.
Public classCollectionStringValue
Class that encapsulates a collection of string values as a parameter value.
Public classComponentSetting
Represents the base class for any component settings. Component settings alter the process functionality for data retrieval.
Public classConnectorElementValue
Class that encapsulates a single connector element for a parameter value.
Public classCrossFilterValue
Class used to provide cross filtering functionality across hierarchies, provided that all hierarchies belong to the same cube.
Public classCustomAttributeException
Exception that occurs when the user is trying to retrieve data using custom attribute tokens that are either missing or have invalid definitions.
Public classDataAnalysisParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter used anywhere in the data definition chain to restrict the queried records to a set of user defined values.
Public classDateTimeParameter
Class that encapsulates a DateTime parameter used in an ExpressionDescriptor.
Public classDateTimeSetting
Represents a DateTime component setting.
Public classDrillDownSet
Class used to encapsulate drill down information for a set of hierarchy members.
Public classDuplicateParameterException
Exception that occurs when the user is trying to create a parameter for settings for which a parameter is already defined.
Public classDynamicAnalysisElementParameter
Base class for dynamic analysis element parameters.
Public classDynamicHierarchyParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter that expects a hierarchy usage element for resolution.
Public classDynamicMeasureParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter that expects a measure usage element for resolution.
Public classElementDataParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter used in a DataProcess to restrict the queried records for the parent DataCube entity to a set of user-defined values. The parameter is attached to a specified ConnectorElement.
Public classElementProcessParameter
Class that encapsulates a ProcessParameter defined on a specific input connector setting.
Public classExpressionParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter used in an ExpressionDescriptor.
Public classFileValue
Class that encapsulates reference to a file.
Public classGenericParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter used in an ExpressionDescriptor.
Public classHierarchyLevelParameter
Class used to parameterize the level for a IHierarchy used either as a row or column hierarchy.
Public classHierarchyLevelValue
Class that encapsulates the value for a HierarchyLevelParameter.
Public classHierarchyParameter
Class that encapsulates a data parameter that uses an IHierarchy to filter queried records for the user selected members.
Public classHierarchySetting
Class that encapsulates information for a component setting based a hierarchy.
Public classInheritedParameter
Class used to represent a parameter based on another parameter, defined within a different entity.
Public classInputConnectorElementParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter that expects a measure element for resolution.
Public classInputHierarchyParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter that expects a hierarchy usage element for resolution.
Public classInputMeasureParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter that expects a measure usage element for resolution.
Public classInvalidDocMappingException
Exception that occurs when the user is trying to add a child XML or JSON mapping to an existing value that is not a record selector.
Public classInvalidParameterValidValueException
Exception that occurs when a parameter valid values are incorrectly configured.
Public classInvalidParameterValueException
Exception that occurs when the user is trying to create a parameter for settings for which a parameter is already defined.
Public classLogicalValue
Class that allows building expressions for a single parameter using supported logical operators.
Public classMeasureParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter used to filter queried records using user selected values for the specified measure.
Public classMeasureSetSetting
Class that encapsulates a component setting that expects a selection of measures elements.
Public classMemberDrillDownParameter
Class used to parameterize the hierarchy members displayed as expanded within a MetricSet.
Public classMemberDrillDownValue
Class that encapsulates the value for a MemberDrillDownParameter.
Public classMemberValue
Class used to define parameter values referencing IHierarchy members.
Public classNativeStructureParameter
Class that encapsulates a NativeStructure parameter.
Public classNumericParameter
Class that encapsulates a numeric parameter used in an ExpressionDescriptor.
Public classNumericSetting
Represents a numeric component setting.
Public classParameter
The base class for parameters.
Public classParameterPlaceholder
Class used to define a parameter placeholder used in an expression statement.
Public classParameterValue
Base class for parameter values. A parameter value encapsulates a single value, discrete or range, valid for a data object parameter.
Public classParameterValueCollection
A collection of parameter values.
Public classPlaceholderStructureParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter that expects a NativeStructure for resolution, used within a ProviderExpression.
Public classProcessParameter
Class that encapsulates a parameter defined within a EntityBase to alter the data retrieval functionality for that entity.
Public classQueryStringValue
Class whose string value represents another parameter and resolves to another parameter value.
Public classRangeDateTimeValue
Class that encapsulates a DateTime range as a parameter value.
Public classRangeMemberValue
Class that encapsulates a MemberValue range as a parameter value.
Public classRangeNumberValue
Class that encapsulates a decimal range as a parameter value.
Public classRangeParameterValueT
Base class for parameter range values.
Public classRangeStringValue
Class that encapsulates a String range as a parameter value.
Public classReferencedParameterValue
Class used to encapsulate a parameter value that references another parameter value.
Public classSelectStructureParameter
Parameter that allow a SelectTransform to change the native structure it queries.
Public classSetting
Base class for descriptor objects.
Public classSingleBooleanValue
Class that encapsulates a single Boolean for a parameter value.
Public classSingleDateTimeValue
Class that encapsulates a single DateTime for a parameter value.
Public classSingleMemberValue
Class that encapsulates a single MemberValue.
Public classSingleNumberValue
Class that encapsulates a single numeric parameter value.
Public classSingleParameterValueT
Base class for parameter discrete values.
Public classSingleStringValue
Class that encapsulates a single string for a parameter value.
Public classSlicerHierarchyParameter
Class used to parameterize the filter value for a ParallelSlicedMeasure, when comparing with the target measure.
Public classStringParameter
Class that encapsulates a string parameter used in an ExpressionDescriptor.
Public classStringSetting
Represents a string component setting.
Public classTimeHierarchyOffsetParameter
Class used to parameterize the time interval for a ParallelPeriodMeasure offset, when comparing with the target measure.
Public classTimeHierarchyOffsetValue
Class that encapsulates the value for a TimeHierarchyOffsetParameter.
Public classTransformParameter
Class that encapsulates a generic Transform parameter used in a DataCube definition.
Public classUnknownMemberException
Exception that occurs when the user is trying to create a parameter value based on an unknown type hierarchy member.
Public classValidElementValue
Encapsulates a valid connector element parameter value. Such values are specific to the element data type.
Public classValidValue
Represents a valid parameter value.
Public classValidValuesDescriptor
Encapsulates the valid values functionality for a setting. The valid values can be fixed or dynamic, or they could be defined as fields in a data structure.
Public classValidValuesHierarchy
Class that encapsulates a set of valid values from a specified hierarchy.
Public classValidValuesInherited
Class that encapsulates a set of values that are inherited from the parent parameter.
Public classValidValuesList
Represents a fixed list of valid values for a given parameter.
Public interfaceICollectionParameterValue
Collection parameter value.
Public interfaceIParameterService
Interface for passing parameters to the engine without having to serialize and short link the values.
Public interfaceIParameterValue
Parameter value.
Public interfaceIRangeParameterValue
Range parameter value.
Public interfaceISingleParameterValue
Single parameter value.
Public enumerationCompatibleDataTypes
Represents the major data types a single parameter value is compatible with.
Public enumerationParameterValueTypes
The supported parameter value types.
Public enumerationValidValuesSource
Enumeration used for defining the source of valid values for a given setting.