dundas.view.controls.RelatedContextData Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the RelatedContextData. Called during construction.


  Name Description
boundVisual Gets or sets the bound visual for this event. For example, 'Series1'. This might not be set (if the metric set binding alone is enough to identify).
caption Gets or sets the caption for this event. For example, 'Series 1'. This may be displayed to the user at various times.
columnMember Gets or sets the specific member from the columns that was clicked, if applicable.
columns Gets or sets the column tuple ordinals which were involved in this data action.
hitTestResult Gets or sets the hit test result from the control if available, describing what visual element was located at the coordinates of the event.
isBindingsShown Gets or sets whether the data binding panel should be shown for this context or not, with the bindings. If this is true, then metricSetBinding must also be populated to show the panel.
measureValue Gets or sets a measure value represented by this action on a visualization independent of a data source, if applicable.
metricSetBinding Gets or sets the metric set binding that is associated with this action, if any. There may not be one if a non-data item was selected.
propertyPath Gets or sets the property path (if available) for this event data.
rowMember Gets or sets the specific member from the rows that was clicked, if applicable.
rows Gets or sets the row tuple ordinals which were involved in this data action.
selectedColumns Gets or sets the column tuple ordinals which were selected in the visualization control.
selectedRows Gets or sets the row tuple ordinals which were selected in the visualization control.


  Name Description
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getMeasureUniqueName Attempts to get the unique name of the measure that was returned with the context data.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.