dundas.controls.TreemapNode Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the treemap node control. Called during construction.


  Name Description
actualBodyHeight Gets or sets the heading height.
actualHeadingHeight Gets or sets the heading height.
actualHeadingText Gets the heading text with placeholder keywords replaced with values.
actualHeadingTooltipText Gets the heading tooltip text with placeholder keywords replaced with values.
actualLabelText Gets the label text with placeholder keywords replaced with values.
actualSizeValue Gets or sets the actual size value displayed when animating.
actualTooltipText Gets the tooltip text with placeholder keywords replaced with values.
background Gets the current node background.
borderColor Gets or sets the border color.
borderWidth Gets or sets the border width.
fontColor Gets the current node content font color.
fontFamily Gets or sets the node content font family.
fontSize Gets or sets the node content font size in pixels.
fontStyle Gets or sets the node content font style.
fontWeight Gets or sets the node content font weight.
hasChildren Gets a value that indicates if the control has children.
headingBackground Gets or sets the heading color.
headingFontColor Gets or sets the heading font color.
headingFontFamily Gets or sets the heading font family.
headingFontSize Gets or sets the heading font size in pixels.
headingFontStyle Gets or sets the heading font style.
headingFontWeight Gets or sets the heading font weight.
headingHeight Gets or sets the heading height in pixels.
headingText Gets or sets the heading text.
headingTextAlign Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the heading text.
headingTooltipText Gets or sets the tooltip for the heading of the node.
headingVerticalTextAlign Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the heading text.
height Gets the height of this node in pixels.
isHeadingVisible Gets a value indicating whether the heading is visible for this node.
isSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether this node is currently selected.
isUnselected Gets a value indicating whether another node is currently selected.
labelText Gets or sets the label text.
layoutMode Gets or sets the layout mode applied to this node's child nodes.
left Gets or sets the left position of this node in pixels from the left edge of its parent.
nodes Gets the items array.
parentNode Gets or sets parent node of this node.
textAlign Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the node text.
tooltipText Gets or sets the tooltip for the node.
top Gets the top position of this node in pixels from the top of the parent.
treemap Gets the treemap this node is a part of.
verticalTextAlign Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the node text.
width Gets the width of this node in pixels.


  Name Description
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
invalidate Ensures the treemap is re-drawn using the current data and settings at the next best time made available by the browser. This method is normally called automatically when needed.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.