dundas.controls.LayerExplorer Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Create a Layer explorer.


  Name Description
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
isVisible Get or set a value indicating the layer explorer is visible or not
uiCache Gets the UI cache table Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.


  Name Description
bind Bind an event to this class object. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
createLayer Create a new layer in the layer explorer.
deleteLayers Delete the layers.
dispose Dispose this layer explorer. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getContainer Retrieves the container of this layer explorer.
hidePreviews Hide the previews of the layers and make them passive to changes on the layers.
raiseBindEvent Fire the event specified with eventName, or subscribe a handler. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
refreshElementExplorers Refreshes the element explorer of all layers.
refreshExplorer Refresh the layer explorer.
refreshSearchExplorer Refresh the layer explorer's search results.
showPreviews Show and redraws the previews of the layers.
subscribe Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
subscribeDisposed Subscribe to the disposed event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
subscribeOnce Subscribe a one time event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
toggleElementExplorer Toggle the layer element explorer.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
trigger Raise an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
unbind Unsubscribe an event. if handler is specified, unsubscribe that handler. if no parameters are specified, unbind everything. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
unbindAll unsubscribe all events. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.