dundas.controls.GridTemplateAdorner Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description


  Name Description
activeZIndex The z-index of this template layer when it is selected
canvas Retrieve or Set the canvas that this adorner is attached to.
cellSpacingHorizontal Gets the horizontal cells spacing.
cellSpacingVertical Gets the vertical cells spacing.
cellsPaddingHorizontal Gets the horizontal cells padding.
cellsPaddingVertical Gets the vertical cells padding.
columns Gets the column template cells in this adorner.
designSurface Gets the DOM element for the design surface.
id Gets the ID for this template adorner.
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
referenceGrid Gets the reference grid
resizerVisible Gets or sets the value to display to resizer or not.
rows Gets the row template cells in this adorner.
templateCellAndGroups Gets the arranged cells and groups.
templateCells Gets the underlying template cells in this grid template adorner.
templateGridContainer Gets the DOM element for the grid for the template grid container.
uiCache Gets the UI cache table Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
visible Gets or sets whether this adorner is visible.


  Name Description
addTemplateCells Adds template cells to the grid adorner.
adjustCellSpacing Adjust the cell spacings.
bind Bind an event to this class object. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
checkAllCellsAdjacent Check cells of cellsToCheck are always beside another cell.
checkCellsAreRectangular Check the cells of cellsToCheck and make sure the cells form a rectangular block.
checkCellsMergable Check if the cells are merge-able.
checkIsCellAdjacent Check if toBeChecked is adjacent to target
clearClosestCellHint Clear the hint for the closest cell.
clearSelection Clear all template cells selections.
clearTemplateCellBorderHint Clear all border hints.
dispose Performs tasks associated with releasing resources from this object once it is unneeded. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
findColumnSpanDividingCell Find the template Cell that is responsible for requiring a column resizer.
findRowSpanDividingCell Find the template Cell that is responsible for requiring a row resizer.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getCellById Retrieve the viewmodel of a cell or a cell group.
getClonedGrid Get a DOM grid.
getClosestTemplateCell Retrieves the closest templateCell relative to toCheckRectangle.
getColumnWidth Gets the column width for the given column number.
getRowDeterminingCells Gets the cells that determine this row for the given row number.
getRowHeight Gets the row height for the given column number.
getSelectedCells Gets the selected template cells.
getTemplateCellsOfGroup Get the templateCells of a group.
getTemplateCellsRectangle Retrieve a hash table of data about the template cells' dimensions and position
groupTemplateCells Group the specified template cells.
hide Hides the grid template adorner.
mergeTemplateCells Merge template cells.
modifyColumnWidth Change a column width.
modifyRowHeight Change a row height.
raiseBindEvent Fire the event specified with eventName, or subscribe a handler. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
resizeAdorner Notify that the adorner is resized.
selectTemplateCell Selects the template cell from the given template cell ID.
setTemplateCells Sets the template cell of this grid template adorner.
show Shows the grid template adorner.
showClosestTemplateCellHint Shows a hovering indicator hint on the closest templateCell relative to toCheckRectangle.
showTemplateCellHint Shows a hovering indicator hint on the templateCell.
splitSelectedCell Split the selected template cell.
subscribe Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
subscribeDisposed Subscribe to the disposed event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
subscribeOnce Subscribe a one time event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
subscribeTemplateCellResized Subscribe a handler for the templateCellResized event.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
trigger Raise an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
unbind Unsubscribe an event. if handler is specified, unsubscribe that handler. if no parameters are specified, unbind everything. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
unbindAll unsubscribe all events. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
ungroupTemplateCells Ungroup a template cell group.