dundas.controls.GaugeRadialScale Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the scale. Called during construction. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.


  Name Description
actualBarWidth Gets the width of the bar in pixels.
actualCenterX Gets the central x-coordinate of the radial scale in pixels.
actualCenterY Gets the central y-coordinate of the radial scale in pixels.
barFill Gets or sets the scale bar fill. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
barOpacity Gets or sets the percentage of opacity of the scale bar. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
barStroke Gets or sets the stroke of the scale bar. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
barStrokeWidth Gets or sets the stroke width of the scale bar in pixels. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
barWidth Gets or sets the width of the scale bar. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
barZIndex Gets or sets an index that can be used to customize the placement of the scale bar in front of or behind other gauge elements. Elements with a higher z-index are drawn on top of elements with a lower z-index. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
centerX Gets or sets the central x-coordinate of the radial scale.
centerY Gets or sets the central y-coordinate for the radial scale.
id Gets a value uniquely identifying this scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
interval Gets or sets the interval. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
intervalCount Gets or sets the interval count. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
intervalMinimumLength Gets or sets the minimum length in pixels reserved between each label and major tick mark. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
intervalOffset Gets or sets the interval offset. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
isBarVisible Gets or sets the visibility of the bar. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
isMinMaxRounded Gets or sets a value indicating whether the minimum and maximum values are rounded. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
isReversed Gets or sets a value indicating whether the scale should be reversed. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
isVisible Gets or sets the visibility of the scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
labelStyle Gets or sets the style of the labels on the scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
majorTickMarkStyle Gets or sets the style of the major tick marks. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
maximum Gets or sets the maximum value on the scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
maximumPin Gets or sets the settings for a pin at the maximum value of the scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
minimum Gets or sets the minimum value on the scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
minimumPin Gets or sets the settings for a pin at the minimum value of the scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
minorTickMarkStyle Gets or sets the style of the minor tick marks. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
multiplier Gets or sets a value by which to multiply displayed values. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
opacity Gets or sets the opacity of the scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
parentControl Gets the parent control of this scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
radius Gets or sets the radius.
startAngle Gets or sets the start angle of the radial scale.
sweepAngle Gets or sets the sweep angle of the radial scale.


  Name Description
addAlignedScale Aligns the specified scale range with that of this scale. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
clearAlignedScales Removes all scales added as aligned scales. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getAlignedScales Gets the scales that were added as aligned to this scale instance. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
invalidate Ensures the gauge is re-drawn using the current data and settings at the next best time made available by the browser. This method is normally called automatically when needed. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
isAlignedWith Gets a value indicating whether the specified scale has been added as aligned with this instance. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
removeAlignedScale Removes the specified scale from the scales aligned with this instance. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
toString Returns a string representation of this object. Inherited from dundas.controls.GaugeScale.