dundas.Thickness Class

Describes the thickness of a frame around a rectangle.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes a new instance of Thickness.


  Name Description
0 Gets or sets the top thickness.
1 Gets or sets the right thickness.
2 Gets or sets the bottom thickness.
3 Gets or sets the left thickness.
bottom Gets or sets the bottom thickness.
left Gets or sets the left thickness.
length Gets or sets the number of thickness values currently stored.
right Gets or sets the right thickness.
top Gets or sets the top thickness.


  Name Description
every Determines whether all thickness values pass the test implemented by the provided function.
filter Returns a new array with the thickness values clockwise from the top that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.

fromObject Parses a thickness from an object.
getPropertyValues Gets a list of the values of all properties.
indexOf Returns the first index at which a given thickness value can be found in the set of thickness values as defined clockwise from the top.
map Returns a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every thickness value as defined clockwise from the top.

parse Creates a new instance from a string.
slice Returns a portion of the set thickness values as defined clockwise from the top.
some Determines whether at least one thickness value passes the test implemented by the provided function.
stringify Returns the string representation of the instance.
toCss Returns the CSS representation of the instance.
toEnumerable Wraps this instance's values as defined clockwise from the top in a dundas.linq.IEnumerable.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
toSingleCss Returns the single value CSS representation of the instance - for dundas.Border display only.